This assignment discusses the CIA triad, we were required to select an additional dimension to add to the triad and explain why. We also discuss McCumber's Cube and describe how information security is an art and a science.
This assignment covers the management of information systems, why people are the biggest threat to an organization, reducing risk of threat/failure threat through dual controls, DoS/DDoS attacks, and the various password attack types.
This assignment covered the differences between hot, warm, and cold sites. In addition it discussed different back-up schemes that can be utilized as well as required us to review some U of L policies.
This assignment required us to calculate risk and the associated cost of failure if a control was in place or not. We had t use these numbers to determine if a control was ultimately worth implementing or not.
In this assignment we describe access controls, filtering technology, and IDPS's. The different between network and host-based IDPS is explained along with stateful vs. stateless inspection.
In this assignment we looked at the drawbacks to asymmetric, symmetric, and hybrid encryption techniques. We then utilized a vignette square to decrypt a message and described an encryption situation ensuring nonrepudiation and data integrity.
This assignment goes over physical controls such as locks, we had to describe the difference between fail-safe and fail-secure locks. We then did on overview of fire suppression systems and which system type would be best suited for a specific fire type.
This assignment covers the four basic conversion strategies when switching over to a new system. We were also required to create a work breakdown structure based on a scenario in our textbook.
This assignment discusses where the proper location for the information security function is in the organization. It also examines the differences between a security manager and CISO.
This assignment provides an overview of the five security maintenance model domains. It also covers differences between an ethical hacker and penetration tester, and lastly the basic methodology utilized in computer forensics.